Language Services - Temporary Personnel

Award Document PDF icon

Contract Period:   October 25, 2022 - October 26, 2027

Contract Updates

Group:  73003  Award:  23253  (Replaces 23057 – Lot 6)

Contractor Information PDF icon

Use of Contracts:  All State Agencies and Non-State Agencies

RFQ Template PDF icon

Contact Person:  Laura Dempsey

Telephone:  (518) 473-9825  

Mailing List & Matrix


Base Contract Information PDF icon

Contract Issued:   October 25, 2022
Contract Updated: June 11, 2024

How to Use/FAQs PDF icon


Customer Service


Statewide Centralized Back-Drop Contract for Language Services (On-Demand Personnel), for various titles such as Written Translation, American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters, Consecutive Interpreters, Simultaneous Interpreters, Over the phone Interpreters, and Video Remote Interpreters.
Additional ancillary services are also available such as Desktop Publishing, Closed Captioning Services and Subtitling Services.

This Award has 0% MBE, 0% WBE and 0% SDVOB goal requirements.

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