Project Based Information Technology Consulting Services

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{Updated / Revised}

Contract Period:   September 09, 2015 - September 08, 2024

Contract Updates PDF icon 

Group:  73600  Award:  22772  
Contractor Information PDF icon  Use of Contracts:  All State Agencies and Non-State Agencies
Template Page PDF icon Contact Person: Charles Strickland
Telephone:  (518) 473-8710   
Mailing List By Lot    Contract Issued:   September 17, 2015
Contract Updated: July 25, 2024               
Contractor Template Page PDF icon  
How To Use PDF icon  
Historical Information PDF icon  

Customer Service


The Project Based Information Technology (IT) Consulting Services Contracts streamline the procurement of IT Consulting Services for Authorized Users of NYS OGS Centralized Contracts. Services required by an Authorized User can be obtained via an expedited competitive Mini-Bid process. Authorized User Agreements awarded as a result of Mini-Bids under this Centralized Contract will result in fixed-price deliverable-based agreements for Consulting Services.

Authorized Users Contact:
Contractors Contact:

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