Telecommunication Connectivity Services (TCS)

Award Document PDF icon
{Updated / Revised}

Contract Period:   September 16, 2019 – September 15, 2029

Contract Updates PDF icon

Group:  77017  Award:  23100  (Replaces: 20268)

Contractor Information PDF icon

Use of Contracts:  All State Agencies and Non-State Agencies

How To Use PDF icon

Contact Person:  Steven Charles
Telephone:  (518) 486-5354  

Authorized Users Templates PDF icon

Contractor and Authorized User Mailbox:

Contractor Mailing List

Contract Issued:   September 09, 2019
Contract Updated: August 02, 2024       

Contractor Templates PDF icon


Base Contract & Appendices PDF icon


Historical Details PDF icon


Customer Service

The Telecommunication Connectivity Services (Statewide and County) Contract provides Authorized Users with Telecommunication Connectivity Services necessary to support their needs while also recognizing the ever-expanding telecommunications industry. This Centralized Contract offers telephone, internet, data over radio signal, satellite, television, various non-cloud managed services and mobile connectivity signals (services). This contract is designed to work in conjunction with other OGS’s Centralized Contracts for Information Technology. Products required by an Authorized User can be obtained via a competitive Request for Quotes process. Authorized User Agreements awarded as a result of RFQs under this Centralized Contract will be awarded based on Lowest Price.

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