Hourly-Based Information Technology Services

Award Document PDF icon
{Updated / Revised}

Contract Period:   July 01, 2019 – June 30, 2024
Contract Updates PDF icon  Group:  73012  Award:  23158   Replaces Award 22439
Contractor Information PDF icon  Use of Contracts:  All State Agencies and Non-State Agencies
Contract Specifics PDF icon  Contract Issued:   July 01, 2019
Contract Updated: June 21, 2024   
HBITS Home Page  

State Agencies

Contact Only: HBITS.StateAgencies@ogs.ny.gov


Contact Only: HBITS.Contractors@ogs.ny.gov

Non-Executive Agencies

Contact Only: HBITS.NonExecutiveAgencies@ogs.ny.gov
Historical Details PDF icon  
Customer Service  
Hourly Based Information Technology Services (HBITS) to provide Authorized Users with information technology staff necessary to support their ever-expanding information technology needs through staff augmentation.

MBE – 15%
WBE – 15%
SDVOB – 6%

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