Laundry and Linen Services

Award Document PDF icon
{Updated / Revised}

Contract Period:   August 19, 2019 to August 18, 2024

Contract Updates PDF icon

Group:  79039  Award:  23147  

Contractor Information PDF icon

Use of Contracts:  All State Agencies and Non-State Agencies

Award Summary

Contact Person:  Wendy Nieves
Telephone:  (518) 486-7313  

FAQ PDF icon

Contract Issued:   August 20, 2019
Contract Updated: July 23, 2024 

Customer Service

This award is for Laundry and Linen Services (Statewide) in various regions across the State. These contracts are for two classes of Products: 1. Contractor-owned Goods and 2. Customer-owned Goods.

This Contract Award Notification contains MWBE goals of 0% MBE and 0% WBE.

There are no SDVOB Goals on this Contract.
NYS Office of General Services (OGS) Contract Notifications: 
If you would like to receive contract notifications and updates for this Award (or any other NYS OGS Centralized Contract), you can register for the Purchaser Notification Service (PNS) at
Be certain to select the Product and/or Services Classification Codes that fit your interests when registering. The Classification Code(s) for this Award can be located under the title of the Award on the document linked from "Award Document" above.

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