State Contract Award Notices - Commodities

Motor Oil, Hydraulic Oil, and Diesel Exhaust Fluid

Award Document PDF icon
{Updated / Revised}

Contract Period:  May 03, 2021 - April 19, 2026

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Group:   05700        Award:   23204-RA, SW   
                                            (Replaces 23012-RA, SW)

Contractor Information PDF icon

Use of Contracts:   All State Agencies and Political Subdivisions

Pricing Information PDF icon
(Includes Historical Pricing Links)

Contact Person:  Michael DeCicco   
Telephone:  518-474-3562       

FAQ PDF icon

Contract Issued:   May 03, 2021
Contract Updated:   September 03, 2024

Historical Details PDF icon


Customer Service

Lot 1: Motor crankcase oil for use in internal combustion engines of both the spark-ignition and the compression-ignition types. All awards for Lot 1 contain re-refined content of at least 55% and meet the Executive Order 4 specification for Lubricating Oil, High Detergent.
Lot 2: High-performance hydraulic oil for various equipment including but not limited to snow plowing & material spreader systems, hoisting systems, front-end loaders, aerial devices, excavators, and various other construction devices. All awards for Lot 2 contain re-refined content of at least 55% and meet the Executive Order 4 specification for Hydraulic Oil, High Detergent.
Lot 3: Diesel Exhaust Fluid used to assist in the breakdown of NOx into harmless gases.

This award includes 0% MBE, 30% WBE and 6% SDVOB goal requirements.
NYS Office of General Services (OGS) Contract Notifications: 
If you would like to receive contract notifications and updates for this Award (or any other NYS OGS Centralized Contract), you can register for the Purchaser Notification Service (PNS) at
Be certain to select the Product and/or Services Classification Codes that fit your interests when registering. The Classification Code(s) for this Award can be located under the title of the Award on the document linked from "Award Document" above.

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