Recycling and Trash Removal Services

Award Document PDF icon
{Updated / Revised}

Contract Period:    December 01, 2015 – November 30, 2025

Contract Updates PDF icon

Group:  79013  Award:  22760-SW
                                             (Replaces 18850)

Contractor Information PDF icon

Use of Contracts:  All State Agencies and Non-State Agencies

FAQs PDF icon

Contact Person:  Sandra Fernandes
Telephone:  (518) 473-2545
Award SummaryPDF icon
Project Definition Template
{MS Word}
Contract Issued:     December 01, 2015 
Contract Updated:  July 02, 2024  
{PDF }
Historical Details PDF icon  
Customer Service    
This Award is for backdrop contracts for Recycling and Trash Removal Services in various regions across the State. These contracts allow Contractors awarded a Master Contract to be prequalified to bid on specific projects that will be let by Authorized Users at a later date through the use of a Project Definition and Mini-bid Process.

Included in this award are a large selection of recycling services in addition to trash removal services in recognition of the importance of reducing, reusing, recycling and composting as much waste as possible and to offer State Agencies a vehicle for meeting the recycling requirements outlined in Executive Order #4 (signed April 24, 2008).

Also included in some recycling lots is a Revenue Sharing Component which allows Authorized Users and Contractors to split revenue generated from the sale of recyclables, which is intended to provide an incentive to increase the amount of materials recycled.

This Award does not have MWBE or SDVOB goal requirements.           
NYS Office of General Services (OGS) Contract Notifications: 
If you would like to receive contract notifications and updates for this Award (or any other NYS OGS Centralized Contract), you can register for the Purchaser Notification Service (PNS) at
Be certain to select the Product and/or Services Classification Codes that fit your interests when registering. The Classification Code(s) for this Award can be located under the title of the Award on the document linked from "Award Document" above.

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